Parent Resources
While students are able to do amazing things in the short time we have together each week, many would like to do more. E.P.I.C. (Empowering Personal Interest Challenges) are designed for students to continue the sort of rigorous work they do during ACT sessions, but at their own paces and on their own time. Peers or siblings who do not attend ACT might still enjoy working on some of these things with our students, as well.
A Mighty Girl
The world's largest collection of books, toys and movies for smart, confident, and courageous girls.
The Kids Should See This
Smart videos for curious minds of all ages. Topics include Science, Technology, Space, Animals, Nature, Food, DIY, Music, Art, and Animation.
A growing body of research suggests that curiosity drives learning just as much as does raw intelligence. Explore and participate at this "wonder"-full site to foster this vital aspect of your child.
Khan Academy
A library of over 3,000 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice!
FunBrain for Parents
Educational games are the highlight of this site. The games cover all interest areas and target specific age levels. There are “parent-kid challenges,” “homework relief,” and “books on the run” links. Also linked to this site, there is a family education newsletter that helps with school, life, entertainment, and special needs issues.
This website shares reviews of “cool new books” and authors. The books are categorized by age and by genre. There is a link for podcasts and another for book clubs. The newsletter highlights the newest and best on the site.
PBS For Parents
This site contains guides on a variety of topics such as child development, curriculum connections, and technology for kids. It also shares information on hot issues in education. On the lighter side, there are games, stories, and guides to the TV programs offered by PBS.
Scholastic for Parents
This site contains age appropriate guides for helping your child learn to love reading. Divided into early childhood and school age children, the site also contains resources for helping your child with math, technology, and other subjects. Additionally, there is an array of information about family matters.
Time for Kids Homepage
This site shares diverse resources for parents including virtual tours around the world, kid-appropriate current events stories, homework help, and games.
While students are able to do amazing things in the short time we have together each week, many would like to do more. E.P.I.C. (Empowering Personal Interest Challenges) are designed for students to continue the sort of rigorous work they do during ACT sessions, but at their own paces and on their own time. Peers or siblings who do not attend ACT might still enjoy working on some of these things with our students, as well.
A Mighty Girl
The world's largest collection of books, toys and movies for smart, confident, and courageous girls.
The Kids Should See This
Smart videos for curious minds of all ages. Topics include Science, Technology, Space, Animals, Nature, Food, DIY, Music, Art, and Animation.
A growing body of research suggests that curiosity drives learning just as much as does raw intelligence. Explore and participate at this "wonder"-full site to foster this vital aspect of your child.
Khan Academy
A library of over 3,000 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice!
FunBrain for Parents
Educational games are the highlight of this site. The games cover all interest areas and target specific age levels. There are “parent-kid challenges,” “homework relief,” and “books on the run” links. Also linked to this site, there is a family education newsletter that helps with school, life, entertainment, and special needs issues.
This website shares reviews of “cool new books” and authors. The books are categorized by age and by genre. There is a link for podcasts and another for book clubs. The newsletter highlights the newest and best on the site.
PBS For Parents
This site contains guides on a variety of topics such as child development, curriculum connections, and technology for kids. It also shares information on hot issues in education. On the lighter side, there are games, stories, and guides to the TV programs offered by PBS.
Scholastic for Parents
This site contains age appropriate guides for helping your child learn to love reading. Divided into early childhood and school age children, the site also contains resources for helping your child with math, technology, and other subjects. Additionally, there is an array of information about family matters.
Time for Kids Homepage
This site shares diverse resources for parents including virtual tours around the world, kid-appropriate current events stories, homework help, and games.